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Granatalma, 2018
Ephemeral installation
Material: local tradition, material culture, beautiful patterns, recycled paper, wooden sticks and Bojtorjan.

My installation fro Ertem 2018 takes its inspiration from Gömörszőlős' material culture.
WIth the guidance of Mayor Judit E. Kovacs,  we visited the local museum and discovered the deep-rooted rural tradition of the place. A fascinating pillow case, embroidered with a beautiful floral pattern in a french knot embroidery technique triggered my imagination. This delicate sample of feminine handicraft brought me back to a long gone past where, by candle light, a woman's hands and eyes worked to stitch her thoughts and memories slowly but firmely into a piece of cloth.
I thus decided to stitch my mark on the land by using the same floral pattern made out of recycled paper and local flowers. The place I've chosen for my intervention is  the horse barn of Anna, Judit's daughter: a shelter full of care and straw smell.

Ecology, Society, Art - Roundtable Discussion

Organizer/moderator Eva Bubla (HUN)

Elena Redaelli (ITA), Freund Éva (HUN), Gosztola Kitti (HUN), Michal Mitro (SVK), Nina Czeglédy (HUN/CAN), Nagy Károly András (HUN), Nina van Hartskamp (NLD), Sárréti Gergely (HUN), Süveges Rita (HUN), Szabó Réka (HUN/ROU), Varga Dóra (HUN), Zahra Jafarpour (IRN)

Photos by Gábor Rusznák


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